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Migrant Exploitation Inquiry, Education and Workforce Committee

Cover of Migrant Exploitation Inquiry, Education and Workforce Committee

The Inquiry into Migrant Exploitation is a timely opportunity to ensure that elimination of migrant exploitation is a core priority in Aotearoa New Zealand’s immigration system. 

As we look forward to a future in which cross-border travel will become easier again, and as we seize the opportunities to build back better from the impacts of Covid-19, it is important that we consider how our migration system contributes to a fairer and more productive economy, with decent work for all. 

This will be best achieved if our immigration system is set up to eliminate exploitation of migrants, involves workers and their unions in raising standards, and is well integrated with workforce and skills systems that support full employment in good jobs. This submission outlines the NZCTU’s recommendations for government action to prevent and eliminate migrant exploitation.