The NZCTU recognises that healthy and safe work is a fundamental right for all workers, and a critical aspect of good work. Research shows that unionised workplaces are safer workplaces.
Workers are the ones who feel the impact of poor workplace health and safety. In Aotearoa New Zealand, too many workers are hurt on the job due to unsafe working conditions and an inability to speak up on health and safety issues.
Our work focuses on guaranteeing better protections for workers and strengthening their rights at work. We also support our affiliates to keep workers safe on the job and ensure that workers have a real say on matters that impact their health and safety.
Find out more below.
Latest Health & Safety News
- NZCTU: Minister needs to listen to the evidence on engineered stone banNZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi Acting Secretary Erin Polaczuk is welcoming the announcement from Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety Brooke van Velden that she is opening consultation on engineered stone… Read More »NZCTU: Minister needs to listen to the evidence on engineered stone ban
- NZCTU put Brooke van Velden on notice over WorkSafe cutsThe NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi have sent an open letter to Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety Brooke van Velden, following another round of devastating job cuts at WorkSafe. “Aotearoa… Read More »NZCTU put Brooke van Velden on notice over WorkSafe cuts
- Gendered violence and harassment in the world of workInternational Labour Organisation (ILO) convention 190 (C190) provides a framework for the legal, cultural and industrial changes necessary to eliminate and prevent violence, in all its forms, from the world… Read More »Gendered violence and harassment in the world of work
- Working in high temperaturesGuidance for workers and union officials regarding high temperatures at work Working in high temperature can be hazardous. Exposure to excessive heat either indoors or outside can pose risks to… Read More »Working in high temperatures
- It’s Time to End Gender-Based Violence at WorkEveryone Deserves Safety and Respect at Work November 25 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. This day reminds us of the urgent need to take… Read More »It’s Time to End Gender-Based Violence at Work
- Submission: Have Your Say on Work Health and SafetyHealth and safety is core union mahi. Unions recognise that health and safety is a fundamental aspect of good work, and that every worker has the right to work that… Read More »Submission: Have Your Say on Work Health and Safety

Guidance regarding workplace drug and alcohol policies.

Guidance for workers on COVID related matters in the workplace.