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Pay Gap Reporting

The New Zealand Council of Trade Unions is the peak body of the New Zealand Union Movement. The Union movement has a long and proud history of standing up for fairness and equality for working people and we strongly believe that Pay Transparency (including Pay Gap Reporting) is necessary to achieve those goals.

To that end, we’re pleased to begin our pay gap reporting journey in 2023.

2023 Gender Pay Gap – 4.03%

We’re pleased to share that our Gender Pay Gap is 4.03%. We consider this to be incidental and given the size of our organisation, is withing the realm of being entirely eliminated by minor staffing changes.

We attribute this gap to a strong collective agreement with clear pay bands and a relatively equitable gender spread across all roles of the organisation. We will continue to monitor this gap annually to ensure it stays low – and of course, the goal is for it to be eliminated entirely!

2023 Ethnic Pay Gaps

Māori Pay Gap – N/A

Pasifika Pay Gap – 12.6%

Asian Pay Gap – 5.29%

We’re doing less well with our ethnic pay gaps. We currently have no Māori staff employed at the CTU and so no pay gap. Our Pasifika Pay Gap is unacceptably large and our Asian Pay Gap is also higher than we’d like it to be.

We are currently undertaking hiring processes and have other roles to appoint in the coming months and this is an opportunity to potentially address some of these shortcomings. We will continue to work on these numbers and hope to be able to show progress in our 2024 reporting.