On the eve of International Women’s Day working women are celebrating the achievements and progress women have made whilst looking towards the challenges which remain.
“New Zealand has a proud history of recognising women’s voices. We will always hold dear, like a precious taonga, the achievement of Kiwi women being first to vote in the world 126 years ago. But, in order for Kiwis to continue to feel proud about the way women are treated we must fix the systemic problems which women still face,” said CTU Vice President Rachel Mackintosh.
“Fixing the gender pay imbalance is a tangible goal which must be achieved. This week a Select Committee has been hearing submissions on the Equal Pay Bill. Those politicians are able to recommend the passing of good law. Good law which will make New Zealand a better place for women; when things are better for women they are better for all. The unfairness of the gender pay imbalance affects Pacifica and Māori women, and their whanau, the most. Specific and targetted measures must be taken to resolve this unfairness.”
“Violence againist women remains as a mountain we must climb in order to truly effect positive long term social change. The solution to addressing violence against women is to stop men being violent and the #MeToo movement demonstrates that this is indeed a global problem.”
“This International Women’s day we challenge all Kiwis to ask themselves what action they are taking to make New Zealand a better place for women?” Mackintosh said.
The Ministry of Women has a list of events occurring on Women’s Day.