The Council of Trade Unions has today welcomed the release of the report of the Climate Change Commission Ināia tonu nei : a low emissions future for Aotearoa. The report shows that action is needed now to reduce the impact of climate change on our communities, our economy, and the most importantly the environment.
“Action is needed now as delay is not only bad for the environment, but it also increases costs, reduces jobs, and makes the necessary transition more difficult in the future,” said CTU Director of Policy, Craig Renney.
“We welcome the recognition in the report that creating a ‘just transition’ for future workforces that will be impacted both negatively and positively by the changes necessary. We agree that changes must be “co-designed with Iwi/Māori, local government, regional economic development agencies, working people, unions, businesses, and community groups with particular regard to those most disadvantaged”.
“We would welcome support from government that would enable working people and their representatives to properly engage in the co-design process needed to implement the recommendations.”
“We are pleased to see the recognition in the report the report that how we address climate change is also an opportunity to make our society more equal. Ensuring a fair and equal ‘just transition’ to climate friendly work and employment will require active engagement from working people and their unions.”
“The government’s recent announcements around social insurance would be exactly the sort of policy that could support a more ‘just transition’ in the future. The governments work on Industry Transformation Plans and the reform of vocational education must also be tied into this work. We look forward to working constructively with the government on these important issues,” Renney said.