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Earlier Events

Out@Work Kamp 2009 – The CTU Out@Work Kamp was held on the 14th and 15th May in Raumati.  It was a very successful Kamp with the highest number of participants to attend since the first Kamp in 2003.  The Kamp began on Thursday with introductions, course outline and expectations.  It was clear from the onset that the participants were there to network and to share/build on their knowledge.  Throughout the two days people worked really well together and a number of guest speakers added to the conference.  Speakers included Joy Liddicoat from the Human Rights Commission, Bill Bevan from the Whiteria Community Law Centre, Kapiti District Counsellor Lyndy McIntyre and Bill Hastings, Chief Censor at the Film and Literature Classification.   Due to the House sitting in urgency Kevin Hague from the Greens and Grant Robertson from Labour were unable to attend.  Kevin sent through his speech which was read out by one of the facilitators and is attached here (18 kb pdf file) if you are interested.  Click on the picture of Kamp to see more photos.  And if you want to read a Kamp report on the two days from Co-Convenor, Karena Brown, then just click here.

Kamp 2007Out@Work Kamp 2007 – The 3rd Out@Work camp was held on the 19th and 20th April at the Wainuiomata Outdoor Education Centre in Wellington.  About 40 participants came to the event, including Tim Barnett, MP for Christchurch Central and Senior Whip for the Labour Party.  Out of this very successful kamp a set of goals were developed as a workplan for the Out@Work Council as well as a recommendation to the NZCTU Conference for the Montreal Declaration to be endorsed.  You can read this declaration here.


Speech to TUC Stamping out Conference  – Carol Beaumont (CTU Secretary at the time) was a keynote speaker to the UK TUC Stamping Out Homophobia conference on 6 Feb 2006. You can read Carol’s speech here.

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