The CTU has called for the Government to give New Zealanders a better deal at work. The CTU was heard by the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee this morning regarding the contentious Employment Standards Legislation Bill.
Richard Wagstaff, CTU President, said “Employers must provide working people the certainty of hours and wages they need to sustain their families and live their lives.”
“We’re calling on Minister Woodhouse to keep his promise and ban practices like zero hour contracts which the Minister himself called “unfair and unbalanced” and promised to make unlawful. Currently the Bill does the opposite and legalises zero hour contracts in exchange for minimal compensation. We’re calling on the Government to keep its promises and fix the Bill.”
Jeff Sissons, CTU General Counsel said “There are some other good measures in the Bill particularly those which allow more parents to take parental leave and make it easier for labour inspectors to bring dodgy employers to account. However, the CTU can’t give our support to a Bill that puts zero hour contracts into law. We all deserve fairer than this.”
Sissons says “We think that this Bill can be fixed and the CTU is happy to work with the Committee and Government to get a law that works for everyone.”