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Tertiary Education Union – Te Hautu Kahurangi o Aotearoa Takitini o Aotearoa



Contact: 0800 278 348 | Level 3, 204 Willis St, Wellington

We are a movement of people working collectively to defend and promote quality public tertiary education that is accessible to all. We work together to address a wide range of issues affecting staff because our conditions of work are students’ conditions of learning.

Cost of membership

  • 80 cents for every $100 you earn, up to a maximum of $872 (inc. GST) per year.
  • If you earn less than $15,000 per annum, you are entitled to a fees waiver until the end of the calendar year.

Leadership people info

National Secretary: Sandra Grey,

E tū



Contact: 0800 186 466 | Level 2, Tower 2, 646 Great South Road, Ellerslie, Auckland

E tū is the biggest private sector union in Aotearoa New Zealand, representing workers in a diverse range of industries. We are a campaigning and organising union, committed to empowering working people and our communities for better lives.

Which industries/sectors are covered

Aviation, care and community support, health support services, trades, manufacturing and processing (including food), property services, communications and media, engineering, infrastructure, extractions, hospitality, and more.

Membership benefits

Collective bargaining, support on the job, help and advice, representation when needed, education and training opportunities, involvement in campaigns, discounts on selected goods and services.

Cost of membership

  • Less than 20 hours per week: $4.60
  • 20-34 hours per week: $7.35
  • 35 hours or more per week: $9.20
  • Freelance journalist: $4.60

Leadership people info

  • Bill Newson, National Secretary
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