Contact: 04 499 2066 | Leve 1, Tramways Building, 1 Thorndon Quay, Pipitea, Wellington 6011
The RMTU is a union for transport workers in which all members have equal rights, whatever their job. With rapid change, and increasing competition in the transport industry it is important that workers are protected by a strong, well-resourced union, specialising in all aspects of the transport industry; rail and ports.
Which industries/sectors are covered?
- Rail Operations
- Networks
- Maintenance
- Customer Service
- Ports
- Our union organising in the rail industry with three main employers. We also organise on the Ports and Inland Ports.
Membership info
- 5500+ members.
- 12.19% are female and 88% male
Membership benefits
- Participation in a strong and democratic union
- Negotiation of wages and conditions
- Advice and Representation
- Information Education and Training
- Specialist Services.
Cost of membership
- $9.10 per week fulltime
- pro rata for Part time and Casuals
Employers represented
- KiwiRail
- TransDev Wellington
- Auckland One Rail
- Most of the NZ Ports and stevedoring companies
Leadership people info
- General Secretary: Todd Valster
- National President: Aubrey Wilkinson