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Submission on the Equal Pay Amendment Bill

The New Zealand Council of Trade Union’s submission to the Education and Workforce Select Committee on the Equal Pay Amendment Bill.

NZCTU Survey on the Interim Report of the Tax Working Group

In April 2018 the NZCTU commissioned UMR Research to conduct an online survey of New Zealanders about their views around taxation. We shared the results of that survey in our feedback on the Tax Working Group’s “Future of Tax” background paper in May1. In response to the Working Group’s Interim Report, the NZCTU has conducted a further online survey of supporters to re-test our initial findings and provide specific feedback to a number of particular issues raised by the Interim Report.

Submission on the Tax Working Group’s Interim Report

The tightly-constrained current level of government spending is not consistent with the aspirations of the New Zealand public for health, education, infrastructure, housing affordability, progress towards the carbon-zero goal, reducing inequality, and provision of quality public services in general. Both the 30%-of-GDP target in the Group’s Terms of Reference and the “revenue neutral” suggestion in the Ministers’ letter of 20 September 2018 place higher priority on arbitrary fiscal bright-lines than on the well-being of our people, society and environment.

Privacy Bill

This is the NZCTU’s submission to the Justice Select Committee on the Privacy Bill 2018, in collaboration with PSA, NZNO, and E tū. The significant technological advances since the inception of the Privacy Act in 1993 mean this Bill is long-awaited. New Zealand is not alone in recognising the need for change in our privacy laws as evidenced by the fact most privacy laws around the world have been reviewed or updated in the past three years.