Climate change used to be something that we spoke about in the abstract, as an unknown future threat. The reality of climate change is no longer deniable – it is already here. The idea of a ‘Just Transition’ recognises that responding to climate change will be a mix of positive opportunities and necessary changes. It acknowledges that we will only be successful if we find a way forward which is fair to everyone.
More on Just Transition
- Government must support workers following Smithfield closure
- Consultation on Advancing New Zealand’s Energy Transition
- Consultation on a Potential Code of Practice for Biometrics, Office of the Privacy Commissioner
- 2023 NZ Future of Work Survey
- Building Economic Resilience Inquiry, New Zealand Productivity Commission
- Inflation and Incomes Act
- Building a Better Future, Creating an Economic Development Strategy Together for Aotearoa New Zealand
- Joint Memo from the NZCTU and BusinessNZ on the Just Transition Gap Analysis and Future of Work Tripartite Forum Priorities
- Missing detail essential in Government’s Emissions Reduction Plan says CTU
- A New Zealand Income Insurance Scheme
- Joint Memo from the NZCTU and BusinessNZ on the Partnership for Just Transition
- Climate Change Commission Report – Action on climate change now urgent
- Next Steps on Just Transition to Good, Green Jobs
- CTU releases agenda to achieve a just transition
- Global Day of Workplace Action to Climate-Proof Our Work – #cPOW
- Just Transition Summit
Keynote – Global momentum for Just Transition. Samantha Smith, Director of Just Transition Centre at International Trade Union Confederation.