- Standing Strong at WaitangiIt seemed like a particularly poignant year to be at Waitangi for the annual celebrations. After 15 months of mask-off attacks against Māori through various bills, policy shifts and attempts to undermine te reo and tikanga Māori, I expected to find warranted anger. Yes, there was some of that, but… Read More »Standing Strong at Waitangi
- The Real State of the Nation: Fear, Anger, and a Demand for ChangeRichard Wagstaff It was incredibly jarring to hear the hubris from the Prime Minister during his recent state of the nation address. I had just spent close to a week working though the stories and thoughts shared with us by nearly 2000 working people as part of our annual Mood… Read More »The Real State of the Nation: Fear, Anger, and a Demand for Change
- Unity for 2025As we approach 2025, we find ourselves navigating challenging and uncertain times. The global political stage has shifted dramatically, with Trump’s re-election in the US intensifying international instability, environmental inaction, and the rise of far-right movements. Meanwhile, global conflicts are escalating, pressuring governments, economies, and working people worldwide. Here in… Read More »Unity for 2025
- Equal Pay, Equal Rights: Fighting for Pay Equity in AotearoaNext month will mark 52 years since the Equal Pay Act was passed in Aotearoa New Zealand. For over a hundred years, unions have continued to work tirelessly in the pay equity space. Sometimes this work feels impossibly lofty – after more than half a century it’s clear to many… Read More »Equal Pay, Equal Rights: Fighting for Pay Equity in Aotearoa
- Aotearoa’s Moral Failure on Migrant Worker RightsRichard Wagstaff There is no place for migrant worker exploitation in a decent society, and yet in Aotearoa New Zealand many migrant workers continue to contend with low wages, exploitation, and abuse. This week the Human Rights Commission released a review of the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) scheme, which… Read More »Aotearoa’s Moral Failure on Migrant Worker Rights
- Government says ‘do your bit’ – young workers say ‘do better’Dr Zoë Port Today marks International Youth Day, and the NZCTU’s youth network Stand Up is calling on the Government to do better by young workers – following the bleak news last week that youth are massively overrepresented in the latest unemployment and underutilisation figures. Last week, the latest data… Read More »Government says ‘do your bit’ – young workers say ‘do better’
- Coming home from the International Trade Union School10-day intensive in Vienna I have just returned home to Aotearoa from the International Trade Union School (ITUSA) in Vienna, Austria. The programme is run by the International Trade Union Confederation and the ÖGB (Austria’s NZCTU equivalent). It is a 10-day intensive training programme aimed at developing young union leaders… Read More »Coming home from the International Trade Union School
- Power to WinNever have we needed to talk about power to win decent wages more than right now. With an ongoing assault on workers’ rights and conditions — the repeal of Fair Pay Agreements, massive public sector layoffs, the undermining of sick pay, a pitiful and mean-minded increase to the minimum wage… Read More »Power to Win
- Looking beyond the narrow policy confines of the past four decadesThis week the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions Te Kauae Kaimahi launched an exciting new three-year project, Reimagining Aotearoa Together. The project, which will bring together the union movement and progressive communities to develop and implement an alternative vision for the future, is a response to the continued failure… Read More »Looking beyond the narrow policy confines of the past four decades
- Health and safety consensus is dead, and WorkSafe cuts are burying itFirst published on stuff.co.nz (26 April 2024) The post-Pike River political consensus on workplace health and safety is dead. This has been evidenced by the slashing of WorkSafe jobs by the outgoing Labour Government, and the further cost cutting plans announced by WorkSafe. To make matters worse, the ACT Workplace Relations and Safety… Read More »Health and safety consensus is dead, and WorkSafe cuts are burying it
- Standing Strong with Union SupportAs I sit here in New Zealand, safe from the brutality of Myanmar’s military regime, I consider what brought me here. My escape was not a solitary endeavour, but proof to the strength and solidarity fostered by the international union movement. It is through the solid support of organisations like… Read More »Standing Strong with Union Support
- Stop the privatisation of Auckland portThe future of Auckland is at a critical point. Right now. Auckland Council is consulting the public on its ten year plan which includes a proposal to privatise the Port of Auckland for a generation. MUNZ opposes this privatisation. So too should all Aucklanders. Privatising the port is an incredibly… Read More »Stop the privatisation of Auckland port
- Empowering Change: Strategies to Overcome Pay Inequality for Pacific Women in New ZealandNew Zealand prides itself on being a fair and diverse country, but there’s a big problem hiding in plain sight: Pacific women aren’t getting paid as much as they should be. Despite efforts for fairness, Pacific women still face unfair pay in their jobs, showing that there are deeper issues… Read More »Empowering Change: Strategies to Overcome Pay Inequality for Pacific Women in New Zealand