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Rob Egan

New Easter trading laws bad for families

“Today the National Government voted to make regional authorities responsible for deciding whether people get to spend time with the families on Easter Sunday or not. This was a bad decision by the National Government,” CTU Secretary Sam Huggard said.

Midwives, like all working women, deserve fair pay

New Zealand working women are building momentum in their call for fair pay.

“It is wonderful to see another group of working women, this time midwives, using their collective voice to turn up the volume on the need for their incredibly important work, to be fairly paid by the Government,” said CTU Secretary Sam Huggard. 

Green Party’s plan to boost manufacturing a winner

Today’s announcement from the Green Party to boost manufacturing in New Zealand is supported by working people.

“Increasing and improving manufacturing in New Zealand is a specific way to create more quality jobs which is crucial,” CTU President, Richard Wagstaff said.

Prime Minister must back working Kiwis

The Prime Minister needs to reassess his priorities and move urgently to stop working Kiwis losing up to a million dollars a day says CTU Secretary Sam Huggard.

The call follows the CTU’s request that the government urgently pass legislation to stop the clock on the six year limit that is writing off holiday back pay owed to working Kiwis.