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Media Releases

Fall in unemployment welcome but more still needs to be done to create enough jobs

“The fall in official unemployment from 6.0 to 5.3 percent is welcome,” says CTU Economist Bill Rosenberg, “but the unfortunate fact is that the economy is still not creating enough jobs to match the increase in the working age population, which is swollen by the highest annual net immigration in 25 years.

Working people need to benefit from growth in economy

Strong growth in the economy in the three months to September was not matched by growth in employment, with more people not in work.

“While stronger growth is welcome, it needs to be shared with the people who need it most,” says CTU economist Bill Rosenberg.

Pike Judicial review – still no justice for the 29 killed

The CTU is extremely concerned  with the release today of a High Court decision declining to review the decision by Worksafe not to proceed with the prosecution against Peter Whittall in relation to the 29 deaths at Pike River after his insurers paid $1.42m into the Court as an alternative.

Meat workers win in Employment Court

The CTU congratulates Meat Workers Union and their members who have successfully won a major legal development today in their push for a fair collective agreement at Talleys AFFCO.

Unitec has failed employees & students

The Council of Trade Unions supports the 300 employees working at Unitec whose jobs have been disestablished in a decision made by Unitec’s chief executive, Rick Ede.

Unitec, New Zealand’s largest polytechnic, decided last week to take away the jobs of 300 people (about a quarter of their employees).

Zero hour contracts; why does the Government want to put them in law?

Today is the last day for oral submissions on the Employment Standards Bill. This Bill puts zero hour contracts into law for the first time.

Working people have been very clear in their oral and written submissions that zero hour contracts are unfair and unreasonable. We urge the committee to not put zero hour contracts in law.